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Kuleba: peace summit communiqué takes into account all positions of principle for Ukraine

It will be announced at the final press conference. 

Kuleba: peace summit communiqué takes into account all positions of principle for Ukraine
Dmytro Kuleba
Photo: screengrab

Work on the text of the Global Peace Summit communiqué has been completed. This was announced by Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba on the sidelines of the event, according to an correspondent.

The text is balanced. All of Ukraine's principled positions are reflected.

"At the end of the summit, the presidents will announce the approval of the declaration. It will be open for other countries to join after the summit. We already know that several countries are undergoing an internal analysis of the joint communiqué and want to join it, although they are not at the summit now," Kuleba said. 

  • Reuters has published a draft communiqué to be issued following the summit. It is based on three aspects. The participants of the forum must confirm their readiness to prevent the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of all states, including Ukraine, within their internationally recognised borders. The participants will also agree that nuclear power plants, including Zaporizhzhya, should be under the control of Ukraine and the IAEA, and that any threats of nuclear weapons or their use in war are unacceptable. The text also mentions that achieving peace requires dialogue between all parties to the conflict, "we have decided to take specific steps in the future in the above areas with further involvement of representatives of all parties".
  • On 13 June, Yevropeyska Pravda wrote that the draft communiqué, which is to be the outcome of the Global Peace Summit in Switzerland, removed the dangerous for Ukraine theses that opened the way to territorial concessions and alternative "peace plans". 
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