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Austria allocates €10m to help Ukrainians

About EUR 6 million will go to the Austrian Neighbour in Need initiative. 

The Austrian government has allocated €10 million for the needs of Austrian and international organisations that help Ukrainians in Ukraine and neighbouring Moldova.

This was reported by Radio Liberty with reference to the Austrian Foreign Ministry.

"In the third year of the war, the people of Ukraine still need our support, and we are helping them with another €10 million in humanitarian aid," said Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg.

The aid will be allocated from the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs' Abroad Emergency Fund (AKF).

The Foreign Ministry noted that about €6 million will go to the Austrian Neighbour in Need initiative, which provides emergency assistance to people in need, including the supply of drinking water, food and temporary shelter. 

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) will receive €2 million each. The new package brings Austria's state aid to the Ukrainian people to more than EUR 250 million.

"Putin's brutal war of aggression, which violates international law, is aimed at demoralising the Ukrainian population, destroying Ukraine and its vital infrastructure, and splitting the European community of nations. We will not stand for this. "Austria has been supporting Ukrainians since the beginning of the attack - with €250 million, Austria has already helped to alleviate the suffering in the country, support those seeking protection in neighbouring countries and enable reconstruction work," said Austrian Vice Chancellor Werner Kogler. 

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