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Azov fighters knock Russians out of positions in Serebryanske forestry in Luhansk Region

The unit has been eliminating Russians in this area of the frontline 24/7 for a month. 

Azov fighters knock Russians out of positions in Serebryanske forestry in Luhansk Region
Svyatoslav Palamar (Kalyna)
Photo: Azov

Azov fighters drove the Russian occupiers out of their positions in the Serebryanske forestry in Luhansk Region.

This was reported by one of Azov's commanders, Svyatoslav Palamar (Kalyna).

He said that the soldiers of his unit had been eliminating Russians in this area of the frontline 24/7 for a month. They also prevented the Russians from advancing towards Terny.

"’The occupiers have retreated in Serebryanske forestry’ - this is how some media write. You can write in a human way - they lost their positions, or the Defence Forces knocked the orcs out of their positions, if you don't want to name the unit behind this "retreat". How else can you write in a veiled way about how the 12th Special Forces Brigade Azov has been knocking out orcs every day, every hour for months?" he wrote on Facebook.

"We are not talking about what exactly happened before our guys entered this area. Who stopped the attack on Terny? I wonder how they will write when the Azovs, I hope so, receive normal weapons?" Palamar added.

The US Embassy has confirmed that Azov has the right to receive US weapons. The 12th Azov Special Forces Brigade has undergone a vetting process required by US law. 

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