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Zelenskyy explains why talks with Russia in Istanbul failed: ultimatums are not negotiations

Russia is still putting them forward. 

Zelenskyy explains why talks with Russia in Istanbul failed: ultimatums are not negotiations
President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy arrives at the plenary meeting of the Peace Summit on Sunday, 16 June

Negotiations with Russia in Istanbul in 2022 failed because Russia was issuing ultimatums. 

The President of Ukraine said this at a press conference after the Global Peace Summit. He added that Russia continues to make them now.

Putin's recent demands are almost no different from what he demanded in the spring of 2022. Volodymyr Zelenskyy explained that ultimatums give Russia the opportunity to work a pause and prolong the war. 

Zelenskyy believes that the Minsk agreements are also an ultimatum. Putin needed a pause to prepare for a full-scale invasion.

  • Negotiations between the Ukrainian delegation and Russians in Istanbul took place in March 2022. After that, the political negotiation process between them stopped. 
  • The other day, the New York Times published a document that was discussed by Ukraine and Russia. It was not agreed upon. The Russian side demanded that Ukraine give up its territories, give up its non-aligned status, and actually agree to Russia's control of its weapons. 
  • Earlier, Ukraine's negotiators told that the main task of the Ukrainian delegation was to delay the process. 
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