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Corruption scheme with monthly turnover of up to $150,000 exposed in Ternopil Region

The organiser and one of his accomplices have already been served with a notice of suspicion. They face up to ten years in prison. 

Corruption scheme with monthly turnover of up to $150,000 exposed in Ternopil Region
Corruption scheme exposed in Ternopil RTC
Photo: National Police

In Ternopil Region, a corruption scheme was uncovered in the district military commissariat, where participants were making up to $150,000 a month from conscripts.

This was reported by the National Police.

It is noted that the scheme for those wishing to avoid mobilisation was set up by officials of one of the regional territorial recruitment centres in the region. 

According to Serhiy Zyubanenko, the head of the Ternopil Oblast Police Department, each service provided by the officials had a price. The amount ranged from a thousand to 15 thousand dollars. For example, they wanted up to $2000 for updating military data with a corresponding barcode in the temporary certificate of a person liable for military service, as well as for the prospect of avoiding mobilisation.

From $5,000 to $15,000 thousand was paid for influencing members of the Military Medical Commission to discharge from military service, as well as for assistance in transferring from combat units to the rear with the prospect of dismissal from the army.

During the pre-trial investigation, police officers found that the organiser of the illegal earnings was assisted by five accomplices.

The participants of the scheme created artificial obstacles in obtaining documents for persons who had the legal right to deferment, and also mobilised them to increase their performance. Later, such persons were dismissed from military service for money. Currently, the Criminal Investigation Department has established that the offenders helped almost 150 people.

Law enforcement officers found that civilians also helped officials to profit from the evaders. The police are currently identifying all accomplices.

Police officers with KORD special forces conducted 38 searches in Ternopil and Lviv Regions, during which they found and seized about $100,000, €80,000, UAH 2 million, official documents, computer equipment and other items indicating the illegal activities of the officials.

Seized money
Photo: National Police
Seized money
Ternopil Region: Corruption scheme in RTC exposed
Photo: National Police
Ternopil Region: Corruption scheme in RTC exposed
The organiser of the corruption scheme was served with a notice of suspicion during a meeting with the heads of the TRC on organising and conducting general mobilisation of human and transport resources at the Ternopil Regional Military Administration. He is charged with Part 3 of Art. 368 (acceptance of an offer, promise or receipt of an undue advantage in a large amount). The sanction of the article provides for a sentence of imprisonment for a term of five to ten years with confiscation of property.

One of the accomplices also faces three to eight years with confiscation of property. The man was served a notice of suspicion under Part 3 of Art. 369-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (acceptance of an offer, promise or receipt of an unlawful benefit for oneself or a third person for influencing the decision-making of a person authorised to perform the functions of the state or local self-government, combined with extortion of such benefit).

The issue of serving suspicion notices to the organiser and five accomplices under Part 2 Art. 28, Part 3 Art. 368, Part 3 Art. 369-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine as part of an organised criminal group is being decided.

The pre-trial investigation is ongoing.

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