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Pentagon finds additional $2b for Ukraine due to accounting error

This has already happened last year, when more than 6 billion in unused funds were discovered in Washington. 

Pentagon finds additional $2b for Ukraine due to accounting error
The Pentagon, headquarters of the US Department of Defence
Photo: Wiki

A US government report released on Thursday contains information about errors in the calculation of the cost of weapons sent to Ukraine. This will allow the Pentagon to provide our country with additional assistance worth $2 billion.

According to Reuters, this is not the first time that the US Department of Defence has had an accounting problem. Last year, the department also misjudged the amount of ammunition, missiles and other military equipment provided, resulting in a surplus of more than $6 billion. The money was used to supply Kyiv with even more weapons. 

As the government explained, such successful mistakes for Ukraine arise because the $61 billion aid bill passed by Congress does not contain clear instructions on how to evaluate the transferred weapons. It is also not always clear how to count the equipment that Kyiv receives under the US President's programme, which allows it to use stocks from warehouses. 

The Pentagon would like to ask lawmakers to resolve this issue in the documents. 

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