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Professional who appreciates every soldier: soldiers of 80th Brigade urge not to dismiss their commander

The appeal was published by Sternenko. 

Professional who appreciates every soldier: soldiers of 80th Brigade urge not to dismiss their commander
Soldiers of the 80th Brigade call not to dismiss their commander
Photo: screenshot

The personnel of the 80th Air Assault Brigade recorded a video message to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces calling for the retention of their commander, Colonel Emil Ishkulov. 

The appeal was signed by the commanders of the air assault battalions and divisions of the 80th separate air assault Halychyna brigade. The video was posted by volunteer Serhiy Sternenko.

‘He is a commander who plans all operations in detail. He puts the lives of each of us first. He is a professional military man who understands the modern battlefield and adequately responds to the challenges of the Russian-Ukrainian war. We do not understand WHY commanders who enjoy unquestioned authority among their personnel, who have a victorious combat record and experience of a major war, are not acceptable to the top leadership of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, because they are not afraid to voice problematic issues and report the real state of affairs, do not engage in eye candy and do not thoughtlessly put people on the path to their next shoulder straps and orders. We demand that Colonel Ishkulov Emil Shamilyovych, the commander of the 80th separate airborne assault Halychyna brigade, be retained in his position, under whose leadership we are ready to continue to perform combat missions and liberate Ukrainian land from Russian evil spirits,’ the statement reads. 

The military called the brigade commander a professional.

There has been no official word on the replacement of the 80th Brigade commander. Emil Ishkulov has been in charge of the brigade since 2022. 

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