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Man fire at people with assault rifle in Ternopil Region: two killed, three in hospital

The shooter was promptly detained. 

Man fire at people with assault rifle in Ternopil Region: two killed, three in hospital
Detention of the shooter
Photo: Police in Ternopil Region

An armed man who was shooting at people was detained in Ternopil Region. According to preliminary information, two people died as a result of the incident, and three others were injured and taken to hospital. 

This was reported by the National Police in the Ternopil Region. 

On Wednesday, 15 August, at about 15:35, the special line 102 received a report that in the village of Dobrovody, Ternopil district, an unknown man dressed in a military uniform had fired several shots from an automatic weapon in the direction of people and fled.

A special police operation was launched in the region to search for the offender. 

Law enforcement officers identified the suspect and his possible direction of travel. As a result of further coordinated actions involving officers of the KORD special unit, the man involved in the crime was detained. He was a 45-year-old resident of Zhytomyr Region. The police seized the weapon from him.

The circumstances of the incident are being established. The issue of registering this incident in the Unified Register of Pre-trial Investigations under Part 2 of Art. 115 (murder) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine is being decided.

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