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Okhmatdyt director: Charity fund raising over ₴300m after attack on Okhmatdyt refuses to transfer funds

The director of Okhmatdyt, Volodymyr Zhovnir, said that the Okhmatdyt - Healthy Childhood Charitable Foundation, which received donations to rebuild the hospital after the 8 July attack, does not want to transfer the funds raised to the official accounts of Okhmatdyt.

Okhmatdyt director: Charity fund raising over ₴300m after attack on Okhmatdyt refuses to transfer funds
Photo: Max Trebukhov

Zhovnir explained that after the attack, the foundation's details were published on the hospital's and its staff's social media pages, in the media, on the websites and pages of a number of government agencies, NGOs, etc.

Since 8 July, all publications and letters from the hospital to sponsors have included the foundation's details, "because we have always had normal interaction before," the hospital director said. 

"The fact that the foundation includes the name of the Okhmatdyt National Children's Hospital in its name was an additional confirmation for the benefactors that the funds raised would be used for their intended purpose and in no way be used for purposes unrelated to the reconstruction process. As a result, the Foundation received a record amount in a few days. And we had no doubt that these funds would be used to rebuild Okhmatdyt. It was impossible to imagine such a thing... Until today," said Zhovnir.

According to him, starting from the first public scandals and a request to transfer money for the hospital's reconstruction from the foundation's account to the hospital's account, their communication with the foundation began to deteriorate.

"Today, the foundation's actions have confirmed that we have a completely different vision of how the hospital should be restored. In the morning, we learned that the Charitable Foundation Okhmatdyt - Healthy Childhood does not plan to transfer funds to the account of the National Children's Hospital Okhmatdyt. That is, as of 16 August 2024, UAH 378 million remain on the account of the Charitable Foundation Okhmatdyt - Healthy Childhood, the hospital's head added.

He publicly demanded that the Foundation transfer the funds received to all bank and financial accounts of the Charitable Organisation Charitable Foundation Okhmatdyt - Healthy Childhood in the form of charitable assistance for the restoration of the destroyed buildings and material and technical base of the National Children's Hospital Okhmatdyt of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine after the missile attack on 08.07.2024 to the Treasury account of the National Children's Hospital Okhmatdyt.

He added that the hospital is considering terminating its legal relationship with the foundation because their actions are unfair and possibly fraudulent. 

On 15 August, on his Facebook page, the head of the charity, Yevhen Vember, said that they were exploring "all possible options for transferring funds to the hospital". But he also wrote: "It turns out that, according to the minister's oral order, the foundation has to transfer UAH 378 million - without a proper legal mechanism for this and without a clear purpose", because the Ministry of Health did not explain what the legal mechanism for transferring these funds is, what the purpose is, and how the money will be supervised. Vember said that the foundation is working on alternative options for spending the money raised. 

As a reminder, Nashi Hroshi found that one of the most expensive tender offers was chosen for the reconstruction of Okhmatdyt. This caused a resonance and the tender was cancelled, promising a new one with all the procedures and a supervisory board.

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