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Another 11 children returned from occupied territory

In total, the Save Ukraine team has managed to return 477 children.

Another 11 children returned from occupied territory
Returned children
Photo: Save Ukraine

Another 11 children have returned to Ukraine from the temporarily occupied territories. 

This was reported by the press service of Save Ukraine.

‘Thanks to the tireless work of Save Ukraine and our partners Bring Kids Back UA, this complex rescue mission was a success. In total, we have managed to return 477 children,’ the organisation said. 

They also shared the stories of the returned children and their parents. 

In particular, they told the story of Anna, whose son was rescued from the TOT a month ago. 

The boy said that his mother had been captured by FSB agents and taken to an unknown destination. Left alone with the enemy, he realised that he could become the next victim.

‘We managed to free Anna. From her, we learnt about the conditions of captivity. Chained to a bed in the basement with other women, she was subjected to inhuman torture by electric shock and brutal beatings. Having failed to obtain the information they wanted, the occupiers took Hanna away blindfolded and left her to her fate without a phone, money or documents. Today, Anna is finally safe,’ the organisation said. 

Also among the rescued:

  • A 13-year-old girl staying with her grandmother in the occupied territory will finally meet her mother, whom she has not seen since the beginning of the full-scale war. Russians constantly searched their homes, trying to find weapons and ‘banned’ Ukrainian materials. At school, they introduced compulsory line-ups with the Russian anthem, and during history lessons, they claimed that ‘Ukraine never existed’. The girl was aware that she could be taken to an orphanage at any time because she did not have Russian documents. She admits that when she saw the blue and yellow flag on the border, she felt very relieved.
  • A married couple with two children aged 7 and 13. The family survived searches, threats and humiliation. And all the time they were in constant fear that the occupiers could take the children away. Parents did not even let them go to school and kindergarten because they were afraid they might not return from there. After many months under occupation, they set foot on free Ukrainian soil again.
  • A 13-year-old girl who, after her mother's death, was left in the care of her stepfather, who openly supported the occupiers. Her two older sisters, under the influence of propaganda, severed all ties with her when they learned about her desire to return to Ukraine. School life also turned into an ordeal: new ‘patriotic’ lessons with pro-Russian rhetoric became part of the educational process, and some active high school students were sent to the military Young Army. After 6 years of separation, a girl finally hugged her other sister with tears of joy when she came to take her home.
  • A 14-year-old boy and his 10-year-old sister, who survived the horrors of the occupation together with their family. Their older brother, a former ATO fighter, was targeted by the FSB. The occupiers brutally interrogated him, trying to break him down and recruit him. One day, when the Russians broke into their house and started beating his brother again, the boy could not stand it: he grabbed a stick and rushed to his defence. This desperate act became a moment of truth for the whole family. Seeing that even a child can resist, they felt that they could stand up to evil despite fear and threats.

On 21 August, Ukraine returned 12 more children from Russian occupation.

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