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Naftogaz announces agreement with UNDP to purchase gas reciprocating units

This should strengthen the ability to ensure uninterrupted supply of electricity and heat in winter. 

Naftogaz announces agreement with UNDP to purchase gas reciprocating units
Representatives of UNDP and Oleksiy Chernyshov
Photo: Naftogaz Group

Naftogaz Group is strengthening cooperation with UNDP on energy security and the 2024/2025 heating season.

Naftogaz Group CEO Oleksiy Chernyshov, after a meeting with UNDP representatives led by Jaco Silier on 16 September in Kyiv, said that agreements have been reached on the purchase of gas reciprocating units.

The head of Naftogaz noted that such units will further strengthen the ability to provide uninterrupted electricity and heat supply during the winter period.

  • Modular combined cycle gas turbines or simply gas turbines, gas piston units make it possible to quickly generate electricity. All they need is a gas supply, after which the power is supplied to the existing transformers at the TPP sites.
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