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Rada adopts draft law on customs ‘reset’ as whole

In particular, the draft law provides for a transparent competition for the position of the head of the customs service and re-certification of all employees.

Rada adopts draft law on customs ‘reset’ as whole
Illustrative photo
Photo: Facebook/Chernivtsi Customs

Today, on 17 September, the Verkhovna Rada adopted the draft law 6490-d on the customs ‘reset’. 

The draft law was supported in the second reading by 260 MPs, said MP Yaroslav Zheleznyak. 

‘This is a beacon for the IMF, the World Bank and the United States. And all business associations. And the public. But most importantly, it is the best thing we could do to increase budget revenues,’ the MP wrote. 

Among other things, the draft law provides for a transparent competition for the position of the head of the Customs Service, as well as re-certification of all employees.

Vitaliy Shabunin, chairman of the board of the Anti-Corruption Action Centre, wrote that the adoption of this law should increase budget revenues by UAH 100 billion over several years. 

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