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Ukraine celebrates Day of Ukrainian Defenders

This holiday put an end to the Soviet tradition of celebrating the Day of the Defender of the Motherland on 23 February, which is popular in Russia, which is conducting military aggression against Ukraine. 

Ukraine celebrates Day of Ukrainian Defenders
Serviceman of the 24th Mechanised Brigade
Photo: 24th Mechanised Brigade

Today, on 1 October, Ukraine celebrates the Day of Defenders of Ukraine. The President of Ukraine took part in the oath of allegiance of lyceum students and the presentation of state awards on the occasion of this day.

He noted that this is a great day. It is the day of those who make tomorrow possible, who make Ukraine possible, who make our land, our capital and our flags possible.

"Today, it is more than a profession, a vocation and slogans of different branches of our troops, different brigades and formations. You have proved this more than once, on the battlefield. You were chosen by fate and there are no weak ones," the President said.

He thanked each and every one who defends the state. 

Defence Minister of Ukraine Rustem Umerov also thanked the defenders.

"Today, we express our sincere gratitude to all our Defenders - true Heroes who defend Ukraine every day on the ground, in the sky and at sea. On the front line and behind enemy lines," he wrote in Telegram. 

Umerov reminded that the defenders are fighting for peace for future generations.

"We know what we are fighting for: for our home, for our families who dream of a peaceful sky. For the cities and villages that are waiting for liberation. For future generations who will live on their land without fear. And for the memory of those who have sacrificed their lives for our freedom over the centuries," the minister said.

He also acknowledged all those who gave their lives for Ukraine and thanked every Ukrainian soldier for their unity, courage and resilience.

Today, at 09:00, a large-scale minute of silence will be held across the country in memory of the fallen soldiers.

  • The Day of Defenders of Ukraine is a public holiday that was established on 14 October 2014 by a presidential decree as the Day of the Defender of Ukraine. The same document cancelled the decree on the celebration of 23 February as Defender of the Motherland Day, which had been in place since 1999.
  • The holiday is celebrated on the day of the Christian holiday of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin. Previously, the date was 14 October, but last year it was moved to 1 October due to the reform of the church calendar.
  • On 14 July 2021, the Verkhovna Rada renamed the holiday to the Day of Defenders of Ukraine. 
  • This holiday put an end to the Soviet tradition of celebrating the Defender of the Motherland Day on 23 February, popular in Russia, which is conducting military aggression against Ukraine.
  • The holiday is celebrated to honour the courage and heroism of the defenders of Ukraine's independence and territorial integrity, military traditions and victories of the Ukrainian people, and to further strengthen the patriotic spirit. 
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