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Pro-Ukrainian politician to lead Croatian government

Andrej Plenkovic is known as consistent supporter of Ukraine's eurointegration.

Croatia's president named Andrej Plenkovic, head of the conservative HDZ party, as prime minister-designate on Monday, October 10, to head the country's government.

"Plenkovic has proved he has support of a majority of deputies," President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic said as quoted by Reuters. Plenkovic now has 30 days to win parliament's approval for his cabinet

На прошлой неделе HDZ won 61 out of 151 seats in a snap election on September 11 and struck a coalition deal with a small center-right reformist party Most (Bridge) last week. Plenkovic secured 91 signatures from deputies, with additional support not only from ethnic minorities but also from other smaller parties.

As a member of the European Parliament Andrej Plenkovic is the chairman of the Parliamentary Committee EU-Ukraine Association.

Former Ukrainian Ambassador to Croatia Markiyan Lubkivskyy said Andrej Plenkovic over the last two years has won respect of Ukrainians for his active and consistent support for the European integration aspirations of Ukraine, its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

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