The Ukrainian Defence Ministry has confirmed plans to inspect Russian military units in Rostov Region, its spokesperson for antiterrorist operation issues, Oleksandr Motuzyanyk, has said at a briefing.
"In accordance with the Vienna Document 2011, in particular its clause No 9 "Compliance and verification", Ukraine to plans to inspect from 16 to 19 January the mentioned area of Russia. The mentioned territory of Russia's Rostov Region directly adjacent to the state border of Ukraine is subject to inspection," he said.
He added that Ukraine expects to receive information from Russian unit commanders, carry out a helicopter inspection and a ground check of the mentioned territory.
The inspection group will consist of two representatives of Ukraine, one from Canada and one from Denmark.
"The goal of these measures is to check the presence or absence of military activity of the Russian armed forces' units, for which there must be an advance notice," he said.
Findings will be summed up in an official report.
In 2015, the Netherlands checked Russia's Rostov Region for military activity.