VII National Expert Forum
15 June, 2017
Kyiv, Parus business centre, 2 Mechnikov St. (2 floor)

10:00 - 10:15 – Opening of the Forum
10:15 - 11:45 – Discussion panel “SUSTAINABILITY OF THE POLITICAL SYSTEM”
Questions for discussion:
- Reform of the Constitution: path to sustainability or turbulence?
- Best architecture for the political system of Ukraine;
- Leadership’s agenda for 2017;
- Likelihood of early legislative and presidential elections: pros and cons;
- Political process locally: major trends;
- Decentralisation: point of growth or disintegration?
- How to unite Ukrainians around a shared goal?
DISCUSSION PANEL MODERATED BY: Sonya Koshkina, LB.UA editor-in-chief.
11:45 - 12:10 – Coffee break and informal networking
12:10 - 13:40 – Discussion Panel “ENERGY SECTOR: POINTS OF GROWTH”
Questions for discussion:
- Investment attractiveness of Ukraine’s energy sector;
- Reforming the energy sector: key to energy security of the nation;
- Implementation of international standards in organisation and functioning of energy markets in Ukraine;
- Energy consumption and tariff composition in Ukraine: striking the balance between the interests of the manufacturer and consumer?
- Unbundling in the energy sector: new opportunities for growth and investment;
- Ukraine’s place in Europe’s energy security.
DISCUSSION PANEL MODERATED BY: Oleksii Leschenko, Vice President of the Gorshenin Institute
13:40 - 14:30 – Break and buffet lunch. Informal networking
14:30 - 15:50 – Discussion Panel “UKRAINE IN THE CHANGING WORLD”
Questions for discussion:
· European integration through comprehensive reforms: a way to modernise Ukraine and implement European standards;
· Western and eastern vectors of Ukraine’s foreign policy. Hidden opportunities:
· Will Ukraine be able to remain unchanged in a changing world?
- Impact of changes across Europe on Ukraine’s foreign policy;
- New political face of Europe. Analysis of favourable and threatening factors for Ukraine;
- Has united Europe overcome the crisis of centrifugal and isolationist processes (Europe of “different speeds”, Brexit, migration crisis, far left and far right uprising, Russian influence)?
· The Marshall Plan for Ukraine: how feasible is an implementation of the EPP proposal? Will Ukraine use that chance?
· Is Ukraine’s experience of internal transformations a competitive strength in a world that is changing at an accelerated pace? How similar were the experiences used by other countries: Israel, South Korea, China?
DISCUSSION PANEL MODERATED BY: Gerhard Gnauck, journalist, Die Welt
15:50 - 16:00 – Closing of the VII National Expert Forum. Final address by a Gorshenin Institute representative
Stepan Kubiv, First Vice Prime Minister - Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine;
Ivanna Klympush-Tsyntsadze, Vice Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine;
Iryna Geraschenko, First Vice Speaker of Ukrainian Parliament;
Hugues Mingarelli, EU Ambassador to Ukraine;
Jérôme Vacher, IMF Permanent Representative in Ukraine;
Torsten Woellert, European Commission, Support Group for Ukraine, Team Leader Energy & Environment;
Matthes Buhbe, Director of FES Ukraine&Belarus;
Luc Jacobs, Ambassador of Belgium to Ukraine;
Jean-Baptiste Jeangène Vilmer, Director of IRSEM, French Ministry of Defence;
Heorhiy Lohvinskyy, Member of Ukrainian Parliament, Deputy Head of Permanent Delegation to PACE;
Roman Opimakh, Executive Director at the Association of Gas Extraction Companies of Ukraine and other politicians, experts, representatives of international organizations and diplomatic missions.
Registration is mandatory. In view of the limited capacity, the organizing committee of the National Expert Forum will give priority to representatives of public agencies, political parties, expert and international institutions, diplomatic missions. To get registered, please follow the link.
Important! The registration will be deemed valid only upon your receiving a confirmation from the National Expert Forum organizing committee at the email address you have provided.