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Ukrainian PM pledges crackdown on smuggling at customs

Ukrainian PM pledges crackdown on smuggling at customs

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, together with law-enforcement agencies, has worked out a general action plan aimed at effectively combating smuggling and shadow schemes at customs.

"The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, together with law-enforcement agencies, the Prosecutor-General's Office, the National Anticorruption Bureau of Ukraine, the Specialized Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office, the State Fiscal Service, has drafted an action plan aimed at effectively combating smuggling and shadow schemes at customs," the government's press service said, quoting Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman.

According to the report, major provisions of the document were discussed on Monday, 18 June, during a special meeting on problems recorded at the border.

The prime minister said that the entire law enforcement bloc had shown "complete readiness and determination to fight smuggling".

"We have a plan. We are presenting it. I warn everyone - take care and start serving the state. Every hryvnia should be in the budget. This is fundamentally important to me as prime minister and to all participants in today's coordination meeting," Groysman said.

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