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Russians booby-trap the body of the mayor of Gostomel they killed

Youriy Prylypko was killed while distributing food and medicine.

Russians booby-trap the body of the mayor of Gostomel they killed
Photo: Youriy Prylypko

Russian military booby-trapped the body of the Head of the village administration of Gostomel shot by them, reports "Slidstvo.Info" referring to the adviser of the late Head of administration Rostyslav Skurativsky and the mayor's daughter Nadiya Prylypko.

"They (the father and four more people) were driving along the main street of Gostomel; the enemy convoy came from the opposite direction and started shooting at the civilian vehicle," says Nadiya. "They turned around, into a small passage blocked by a tractor, and there was nowhere to go. They jumped t of the car. In the Pokrovskyy residential complex, there were snipers. They shot my father and two other men, while two managed to escape." 

According to eyewitnesses, the local priest, Father Petro, came to collect the body.

"Father Petro put on his cassock, took a cross and went to claim the body, tells Rostyslav Skurativskyy. When the priest approached the body, he was stopped by a Russian occupant, who told him not to move. The Russian removed some wire or something similar from the body, then helped to heave the body onto a cart."

According to Skurativskyy, the priest took the mayor's body to the church and buried it according to the rites. Nadiya Prylypko agrees: "The priest confirmed that the man removed the wire from the body and only then allowed to take it. Yesterday and the day before, I couldn't reach the priest. Probably, he couldn't charge his phone. But he took my father and promised me he would bury him next to the church."

The Head of Gostomel community Youriy Prylypko was killed as he was distributing bread and medicines. With him died his friends Ruslan Karpenko and Ivan Zorya. 

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