Social network page VKontakte hacked hackers. On behalf of the official page, users began to receive messages that highlight true facts about the war in Ukraine. Media outlet 24techno said about it.
The text of the messages refers to the number of civilian victims, in particular children. There is also data on the losses of the Russian army and the number of prisoners that the government hides from their citizens. Russians are urged to go out for the protests against the war in Ukraine and demand Putin's resignation.
Text from the screenshot:
“Today is the 25th day of Putin's war against Ukraine. During this time the Russian army ruined a lot of non-military cities, destroyed more than 3500 civilian infrastructure facilities. Dozens of thousands people were injured, more than 5 thousand, including more than 100 children were killed. A precise number of cadavers can’t be calculated. This illicit aggression must be stopped and guilty persons must be punished.
None of the assigned missions of the special operation have been completed, the Ukrainians have pulled together, and in a united effort they are fighting back against the aggressor. Hundreds of units of Russian military equipment have been destroyed, and dozens of thousands of Russian soldiers have been injured. 560 soldiers were captured like the prisoners, and more than 11,000 were rested in peace on Ukrainian soil. No one is in any hurry to retrieve the bodies.
The motherland will abandon you, son. Always.
Every day go out to the squares of your cities, demand to stop the war, demand Putin's resignation. Today only the Russian people are capable of preventing a global catastrophe.
Vkontakte has been hacked. All personal data, posts and correspondence of users have been uploaded and handed over to the competent authorities. Any post of yours supporting the Russian occupiers or a letter “Z” on your avatar can be treated as a crime with no statute of limitations. Then you will be put on an Interpol international wanted list and arrested in any country in the world. Think about your future and do not become an accomplice to this madness.”

In addition, social network users also began to receive videos that demonstrate the brutal consequences of the crimes of the occupiers.
The official page VKontakte has 12.4 million subscribers.
Earlier, hackers Anonymous hacked Russian streaming services Wink and Ivi and showed the Russians the war in Ukraine.