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Russian state agency publishes article justifying genocide in Ukraine

russians propose to "de-Ukrainize" Ukraine.

Russian state agency publishes article justifying genocide in Ukraine

PHOTO: What russia should do with Ukraine

RIA News/Ivan Rodionov/Go to photobank. Flags of Ukraine and the “Right sector” found in ex-base of UAF (Ukrainian Armed Forces) 

The website of the russian state news agency RIA “Novosti” published an article "What Russia should do with Ukraine" by political technologist Timofey Sergeytsev, substantiating the need for ethnic cleansing in Ukraine. 

"It’s not only the authorities sho are guilty, but a large part of the regular people who are passive Nazis. They supported and indulged the Nazi government. A just punishment for this part of the population is possible only through inflicting the inevitable burden of a just war," the text reads.

A few more quotes: 

"Further denazification of this mass of the population is re-education, that is to be achieved through ideological repression.” "Denazification will inevitably go hand in hand with de-Ukrainization."

 "Ukrainianism is an artificial anti-russian construction." 

"Debanderization alone will not be sufficient... so the denazification of Ukraine is also its inevitable de-Europeanization." 

«Бандерівська верхівка має бути ліквідована... Соціальне «болото», яке її підтримало,... має пережити тягар війни і засвоїти пережитий досвід як історичний урок і спокутування своєї провини.»

"The Banderian leadership must be liquidated... The social "swamp" that supported it ... must experience the burden of war and perceive such experience as a historical lesson and atonement for their guilt." 

"Nations that have been tempted and fascinated by the role of russia's enemy, benefit from the tragedies and dramas of wartime."

The author of the text Timofey Sergeytsev used to be a consultant for media and business projects of Victor Pinchuk in 1998-2000, and served as a member of the board of directors of his company “Interpipe”. In 1998, Sergeytsev was working for Victor Pinchuk's parliamentary election campaign in Ukraine (parliamentary elections). In 1999 he was working in the election headquarters of Leonid Kuchma. In September of 2004 he was a consultant to Viktor Yanukovych. It is Sergeytsev who is being attributed the authorship of the idea to divide the citizens of Ukraine into three classes. In 2010 he worked in the headquarters of presidential candidate Arseniy Yatsenyuk. 

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