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Russians Robbed Laboratories in Chornobyl and Could Have Taken Out Sources of Radiation And Parts of Fuel "For Souvenirs"

After two weeks spent in the vicinity with such souvenirs, one is bound to get burns and radiation disease.

Russians Robbed Laboratories in Chornobyl and Could Have Taken Out Sources of Radiation And Parts of  Fuel "For Souvenirs"

Russian troops during the occupation of the Chornobyl zone ravaged laboratories. The whereabouts of some extremely hazardous materials are unknown, according to the official Facebook page of the State Agency of Ukraine for Alienation Zone Management.

In the city of Chornobyl there were two laboratories for the study of radiation exposure. The enemy demolished the central analytical laboratory for RAW characterization at the EcoCenter of SSE, and unsanctionedly penetrated into the storage facility of ionizing radiation sources, which contained the samples of radioactive solutions and standardized sources.

"The occupiers stole and destroyed 133 sources with a total activity of about 7 million becquerels. This can be compared to 700 kilograms of radioactive waste with beta and gamma radiation. Even a small part of this activity is deadly in case of unprofessional and uncontrolled handling", - stressed the agency.

It is not known where the stolen sources are now. They also stole the sources of ionizing radiation and samples of flammable materials from the "Ukritya" facility.

If these objects were abandoned in the exclusion zone, it poses a threat to the personnel. But the agency considers it is more likely that the Russians have taken them as "souvenirs”.

"If you have such a souvenir on you for two months you are guaranteed to suffer from burns and radiation poisoning and intermittent disease and irreversible processes in the body", - the agency said.

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