Following the Infrastructure Ministry's request, the Ukrainian Navy joined the efforts to organize the shipment of agricultural produce by merchant vessels through the Bystre estuary of the Danube River-Black Sea. The first eight foreign ships have already called at Ukrainian ports, the Navy press service has said.
"The use of this channel became possible due to the liberation of Snake Island from the russian invaders, because the island has a strategic importance, as it allows to control the surface and partly the air situation in southern Ukraine, which the occupier had used to block the movement of civil vessels in the southern part of our country," it said.
The Ukrainian Navy noted that due to the blockade of civilian shipping, global shipping companies had to use the Sulina channel. This has led to the significant congestion formed by a large number of ships.
"Despite Russia's aggression, our country continues to do its best to solve the problem of world hunger," the Navy press service concluded.