Amid the massive shelling, Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala arrived in Kyiv on a visit, according to his Twitter account.
"We are in Kyiv, which also faced Russian missile attacks this morning. We have a series of talks with our Ukrainian friends. I believe that they will bring tangible results. Ukrainians are fighting not only for their country but also for entire Europe. Our support must continue," Fiala wrote.
Jsme v Kyjevě, který i dnes ráno čelil ruským raketovým útokům.
— Petr Fiala (@P_Fiala) October 31, 2022
Čeká nás řada jednání s ukrajinskými přáteli. Věřím, že přinesou konkrétní výsledky.
Ukrajinci bojují nejen za svoji zemi, ale za celou Evropu. Naše podpora musí vytrvat.
Earlier it was reported that the ministers of the Czech government would visit Kyiv on 31 October and discuss the post-war recovery of the country with their Ukrainian counterparts.