Russian Telegram channels have posted photos of what is likely to be the aftermath of a Ukrainian missile strike on the dry dock of the Sevastopol Naval Shipyard.
The pictures show damage to the Rostov-on-Don submarine, which fired missiles at Ukraine. Also, holes are visible in the "side" of the submarine (in the starboard side of the boat in the area behind the wheelhouse) and on top in front of the wheelhouse.

On the night of 13 September, Russian military facilities in Sevastopol came under a missile attack. The missile hit the shipyard: the Minsk submarine and one of the six submarines of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, the diesel-electric Rostov-on-Don, a carrier of Kalibr cruise missiles launched in 2014, were damaged.
According to Defence Express, this is the first time cruise missiles have ever been used to destroy a submarine in history, and it was immediately effective.
The Russian Defence Ministry has stated that "all damaged ships will be restored and continue to serve," but military experts doubt this. The new images actually confirm that if repairs are possible, they are unlikely to be done at the Sevastopol dock.