President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said via Telegram that Ukraine is preparing not only to defend itself against Russian strikes on energy infrastructure, but also to respond to possible attacks.
"Daily selector. I received reports on the receipt of equipment, ammunition, new contracts and new geography of supply. Heard information on the frontline. Kupyansk and Avdiyivka are in heavy, tough battles, but our soldiers are holding their positions. The enemy is trying to indiscriminately destroy everything it can reach. Beryslav, Borova. We are eliminating the consequences of shelling, helping people," Zelenskyy wrote.
The president stressed that Ukraine is preparing for Russian attacks on energy facilities.
"We are preparing for terrorist attacks on energy infrastructure. This year, we will not only defend ourselves, but also respond. The enemy is well aware of this. First, they withdrew their fleet from Crimea, and now they are moving their aircraft further away from our borders," he said.