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Polish farmers end blockade of one checkpoint

The Dolhobychuv-Uhryniv border crossing point is operating as usual. 

Polish farmers have stopped blocking truck traffic in front of the Dolhobychuv-Uhryniv checkpoint. This was reported by the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine on 16 April.

According to the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, the registration and passage of freight vehicles in both directions is carried out as usual. 

"At present, 100 heavy trucks are waiting to leave Ukraine in front of this checkpoint, and another 30 trucks (with a gross vehicle weight of up to 7.5 tonnes) are waiting for clearance in the territory of the neighbouring state," the border guard service added.

  • As of the morning of 16 April, Polish protesters had not allowed a single truck to cross into Poland through the Yahodyn, Rava-Ruska and Uhryniv checkpoints over the past day. At these three blocked checkpoints, a total of about 600 trucks were queuing in Poland.
  • Since 9 February 2024, Polish farmers have been protesting near the border with Ukraine on the roads leading to the checkpoints. The main demands of the protesters are a ban on imports of Ukrainian agricultural products and Poland's rejection of the European Green Deal. As a result, some Ukrainian agricultural products are only going to Poland in transit. During this time, there were five cases of Ukrainian agricultural crops spilling out of freight cars onto the tracks or from trucks on the roads. 
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