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SBU captures traitor leaking air defence positions protecting Kharkiv

The enemy accomplice was a 30-year-old resident of a village in Kharkiv district. The offender is in custody. He faces life imprisonment.

SBU captures traitor leaking air defence positions protecting Kharkiv
Photo: SBU

SBU military counterintelligence detained another FSB agent in Kharkiv Region. He was preparing a series of missile and bomb attacks on the combat positions of the Defence Forces, which are defending the Region from a new Russian offensive.

According to available data, Russia's main targets were the locations of radar stations and air defence missile systems.

In order to fire on Ukrainian targets, the agent tried to establish and transfer their coordinates to the Russian special services.

To accomplish this task, he travelled around the suburbs of the regional centre, where he covertly recorded the locations of possible deployment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The SBU detained the offender in his own home. At the same time, additional measures were taken to secure the positions of the Armed Forces.

The SBU seized the tools of criminal activity from the detainee.

According to the investigation, the enemy accomplice was a 30-year-old resident of a village in Kharkiv district.

At the end of 2023, he was recruited into the intelligence apparatus of a hostile special service and was tasked with mobilising into the Armed Forces of Ukraine in addition to passing on data about air defence facilities. 

However, military counterintelligence officers prevented the Russian agent from infiltrating a unit of the Armed Forces of Ukraine at the stage of registration. 

Based on the evidence obtained, SBU investigators served the detainee a notice of suspicion under Part 2 Article 111 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (high treason committed under martial law).

Recently, an 18-year-old local resident was detained in Kharkiv for helping Russians prepare a new offensive. The traitor faces life imprisonment.

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