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Spain announces new aid package for Ukraine: Leopard tanks, ammunition included

Madrid will also provide Patriot missiles, anti-drone systems, optoelectronic surveillance systems, etc. 

Spain announces new aid package for Ukraine: Leopard tanks, ammunition included
Spanish Defence Minister Margarita Robles
Photo: Ministerio de Defensa España

Ukraine will receive a new military aid package from Spain.

This was announced at the 22nd meeting of the Contact Group on Defence of Ukraine in the Ramstein format, the Spanish Ministry of Defence website reports.

The head of the ministry, Margarita Robles, said that her country is preparing a second batch of Leopard battle tanks to be delivered to Ukraine at the end of June. In the same period, Madrid will send 155 mm ammunition, Patriot missiles, anti-drone systems, optoelectronic surveillance systems, etc. to Kyiv.

The minister also stressed that support for Ukraine will be reinforced by the upcoming signing of a bilateral security agreement. 

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