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Evaders to not be able to receive some administrative services: Minister of Justice explains what it means

Malyuska believes that the list of services requiring a military registration document will be expanded. However, it will not apply to services related to family members of persons liable for military service.

Evaders to not be able to receive some administrative services: Minister of Justice explains what it means
Photo: SBU

Military service evaders may be restricted in receiving administrative services. Ukraine provides hundreds or even thousands of administrative services, and everywhere there is an opportunity to ask for a military registration document.

Long before the outbreak of full-scale war, the Law on Administrative Services stipulated that the state could require a citizen to provide a military registration document to receive such a service. Minister of Justice Denys Malyuska said this in an interview with Emma Antonyuk. 

"In fact, it is the discretion of the Cabinet of Ministers to regulate certain administrative services regulated by the Cabinet of Ministers so that the provision of such a document is mandatory. That is, for a person to appear on the state's radar, so that the state understands where such a person is," the minister explained.

So far, this mechanism has not been implemented everywhere, but Malyuska believes that it will become more widespread. 

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