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Night fires at oil depots in Rostov Region are SBU special operation - sources

Night fires at oil depots in Rostov Region are SBU special operation - sources
Consequences of the strike on the Rostov Region
Photo: social media

The nighttime fires at oil depots in Rostov Region are a special operation of the Security Service of Ukraine, sources in the Defence Forces told 

According to the sources, last night was the most explosive for Rostov's Azov and Azovnefteprodukt oil depots, which have 22 fuel tanks in total. According to our sources, they were "visited" by SBU drones. 

It was particularly noisy near the railway station and near the port, where oil depots and fuel terminals are located.

After successful drone strikes, huge fires broke out at Russian facilities. 

"The SBU will continue to impose 'drone sanctions' against the Russian oil refining complex and reduce the enemy's economic potential, which provides the aggressor with resources to wage war against Ukraine," the source said. 

In total, SBU drones have carried out more than 20 successful attacks on Russian oil facilities in different Regions.

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