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Interior Ministry comments on attack on former Kraken military unit soldier in Dnipro

The man is in "normal condition". 

Interior Ministry comments on attack on former Kraken military unit soldier in Dnipro
In Dnipro, an ex-military DIU was attacked
Photo: screenshot

Two criminal proceedings have been opened over the attack in Dnipro on a former Kraken military unit serviceman of the Ukrainian Defence Intelligence. 

The charges are light bodily harm and illegal deprivation of liberty. This was reported by Interior Minister Klymenko during a telethon.

In response to the host's remark that the attackers could be the bodyguards of MP Mykola Tyshchenko, the minister said: "It doesn't matter who these people are. Every citizen must be held accountable before the law".

According to the minister, the victim is in "normal condition for now".

Tyshchenko himself assured his parliamentary colleague Oleksiy Honcharenko on the stream that he was walking around without security. At the same time, he said that the ex-DIU serviceman had allegedly attacked a policeman. In the video of the clash, there was indeed a person who could be mistaken for a law enforcement officer, but he was not in uniform. 

The MP also claims that the victim was allegedly a security guard for the so-called call centres and allegedly provoked the conflict himself. He did not provide any evidence to support his claims. 

  • Yesterday afternoon in Dnipro, a group of people attacked former military intelligence officer Dmytro Pavlov. Unidentified men wearing balaclavas and camouflage attacked him, tried to handcuff him and started beating him. According to information from social media, the attackers may be Mykola Tyshchenko's bodyguards. 
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