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Smerch spotter on Kharkiv sentenced to 15 years

In particular, the offender regularly walked around the city and covertly recorded the locations of the Defence Forces' bases and movements.

Smerch spotter on Kharkiv sentenced to 15 years
Photo: SBU

The gunner of Smerch MLRS on Kharkiv gets 15 years in prison, the SBU press service reports

"Thanks to the Security Service's evidence base, another Russian agent who operated in Kharkiv at the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion received a real prison term," the statement said.

It is noted that the offender regularly walked around the city and covertly recorded the locations of the Defence Forces' base and movements. The agent used a messenger to transmit the information to a "contact" - a special forces officer of the Rys rapid response unit of the Russian Guard, who cooperated with the FSB.

The occupiers needed the intelligence to launch massive attacks on Kharkiv using Uragan and Smerch multiple launch rocket systems.

The following items were seized during the search of the suspect's apartment:

mobile phones and computer equipment with evidence of the crimesmore than 400 rounds of ammunition for pistolsa copy of his Russian passport issued in 2018.Based on the evidence collected by the SBU investigators, the court found the offender guilty under three articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine:

  • ч. 2, Art. 28, Art. 111, Part 1 (high treason committed by prior conspiracy by a group of persons);
  • ч. 2, Art. 28, Art. 111 (high treason committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy under martial law);
  • ч. 1 Art. 263 (illegal acquisition and storage of ammunition).

The defendant was sentenced to 15 years in prison.
In addition, the identity of the occupiers' "liaison" has been established - it is the traitor Oleksandr Slisarenko, who joined the Russian-controlled LPR terrorist organisation back in 2014. Later, he was appointed to the Rosgvardia special forces, and after the capture of Kupyansk, he was the deputy head of the Russian occupation administration for "internal policy".

In March 2024, the Security Service served him with a notice of suspicion in absentia and is taking steps to bring him to justice.

It is worth noting that a Russian agent who adjusted missile strikes on Odesa was recently sentenced to 15 years in prison. The Odesa resident also collected data on the location of air defence systems.

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