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Former official of Prosecutor General's Office Ihor Shcherbyna sentenced to 6 years in prison

Ihor Shcherbyna was caught inciting the provision of $150,000 to former SBI Director Roman Truba, who is his godfather. 

Former official of Prosecutor General's Office Ihor Shcherbyna sentenced to 6 years in prison
Ihor Shcherbyna
Photo: Channel 5/Evelina Mykhaylenko

The panel of judges of the High Anti-Corruption Court (HACC) has announced a guilty verdict against the former head of the Main Investigation Department of the Prosecutor General's Office, Ihor Shcherbyna. This was reported by the Anti-Corruption Action Centre. 

Ihor Shcherbyna was found to have incited the provision of $150,000 to former SBI Director Roman Truba, who is his godfather. 

The verdict was delivered by a panel of judges consisting of: Ihor Strohyy, Lesya Fedorak and Viktor Maslov.

In return for the money, the former SBI director was supposed to help close a criminal proceeding being investigated by the agency's territorial office.

Shcherbyna was sentenced to 6 years in prison with confiscation of property. In addition, the court stripped him of his class rank of senior counsellor of justice.

Shcherbyna was the former head of the Main Investigation Department of the PGO in 2014-2015. And Truba worked under his supervision. Truba, who later headed the SBI, is Shcherbyna's godfather. 

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