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One person killed, seven injured in morning shelling in Donetsk Region

In particular, early in the morning, Russians dropped a bomb on Selydove, injuring 6 people.

One person killed, seven injured in morning shelling in Donetsk Region
Photo: Telegram / Vadym Filashkin

One person was killed and seven wounded in the morning shelling in Donetsk Region, said Vadym Filashkin, head of the RMA. 

Toretsk came under fire again, with one person reported dead.

Early in the morning, Russians dropped a bomb on Selydove, injuring 6 people, including two teenagers; 7 high-rise buildings, 5 private houses, 3 administrative buildings and 4 cars were damaged.

In addition, Yasenove of the Pokrovsk community came under fire, with one person wounded and a business damaged.

"Do not turn yourselves into targets! Evacuate!" urged the head of the Donetsk Regional Military Administration. 

Over the past day, 1 person was killed and 14 were wounded in Donetsk Region as a result of Russian shelling. In total, the Russians fired 27 times at localities in Donetsk Region over the past day. 230 people were evacuated from the frontline, including 28 children.

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