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Every soldier released from Russian captivity endured torture by Russian Federation

Every person released from Russian captivity during the exchange on 31 May reported the use of torture by the Russian Federation.

Every soldier released from Russian captivity endured torture by Russian Federation
Photo: Prosecutor General's Office

The UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine interviewed those released from Russian captivity during the 31 May exchange: as in previous findings, each interviewee reported torture by the Russian Federation.

This is stated in the press release of the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine

"Since February 2022, the HRMMU has interviewed more than 600 Ukrainian civilians and prisoners of war released from detention, including prisoners of war released from Russian captivity in the 31 May exchange. Consistent with previous findings, every interviewee in this recent exchange described torture ranging from severe beatings and prolonged stress positions to electric shocks to the genitals and dog baiting," the HRMMU reported.

Russians used torture against entire groups of Ukrainian prisoners.

"During the so-called admission to an institution located on the territory of the Russian Federation, prisoners of war had to pass between rows of guards who beat them with police batons or stun guns. Exhausting physical exercises and humiliation, such as forcing prisoners of war to learn and sing Russian patriotic songs, were also part of the daily schedule," the UN mission report says.

In addition, the prisoners were subjected to constant hunger and were deprived of adequate medical care for long periods of time. In combination with poor hygiene conditions, this often led to significant weight loss and skin diseases; some prisoners of war lost several teeth.

It is noted that these testimonies were consistent with the HRMMU's own observations, in particular, the physical condition of the interviewees was consistent with their testimony.

In addition, since February 2022, the HRMMU has also interviewed 388 Russian prisoners of war during regular visits to internment facilities in Ukraine. 

Around half of them reported torture or ill-treatment in transit places after being evacuated from the battlefield, but upon arrival at official places of internment, the torture stopped.

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