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Polish Sejm condemns Russia's abduction of Ukrainian children, demands Putin's arrest

The Sejm called for ‘an immediate end to illegal abductions and the return of Ukrainian children to their homeland’.

Polish Sejm condemns Russia's abduction of Ukrainian children, demands Putin's arrest
Session of the Polish Sejm on 9 February 2024
Photo: X/Sejm RP

On 11 September, the Polish Sejm condemned Russia's abduction of Ukrainian children and called it a ‘shameful attempt on Ukrainian identity’.

The relevant resolution of the Sejm was supported by deputies, Radio Svoboda reports.

The content of the document, the draft of which was presented by the Sejm Presidium, was read out by Vice Marshal Monika Wielichowska.

"The Sejm of the Republic of Poland unequivocally condemns the abduction of Ukrainian children for the purpose of their illegal adoption and Russification. The actions of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, which cooperates with it, are a shameful attempt on Ukrainian identity, they violate the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, as well as the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which was initiated by Poland," the document says.

The deputies consider it their duty to protect the rights set out in the Convention, in particular, the right of a child to know his or her parents and remain under their care, as well as the right to preserve their identity, including citizenship, surname and family relationships.

"We strongly oppose the violation of international norms by the systematic actions of the Russian authorities, including presidential decrees that simplify the adoption of children deprived of parental care and granting them Russian citizenship," the resolution reads.

The Sejm of the Republic of Poland also expects the international community to decide and take measures to arrest Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Children's Ombudsman Maria Lvova-Belova. To punish those responsible for war crimes committed against the Ukrainian people.

The Sejm also called on the international community to join initiatives aimed at returning Ukrainian children home and ‘to stop illegal abductions as soon as possible and make it possible for Ukrainian children to return to their homeland’.

The Sejm also recalled that Poland has stood by the victims, including Ukrainian children, since the beginning of Russia's aggression against Ukraine and has been participating in the work of the International Coalition for the Return of Ukrainian Children.

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