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Head of Medical Commission throws half million dollars out of window during investigation in Khmelnytskyy Region

During the searches, almost $6 million in cash in various currencies was found on the official's and her son's person.

Head of Medical Commission throws half million dollars out of window during investigation in Khmelnytskyy Region
Head of Head of Medical Social Expert Commission and her son exposed on bribes in Khmelnytskyi region
Photo: SBI

The SBI, together with the Prosecutor General's Office, exposed the head of the Khmelnytskyy Regional Centre for Medical and Social Expertise and her son for illicit enrichment. During the searches, almost $6 million in cash in various currencies was found on their person.

This was reported by the State Bureau of Investigation and the Prosecutor General's Office

The official's son holds a senior position in the Main Directorate of the Pension Fund of Ukraine in Khmelnytskyy Region. The woman's office was found to contain $100,000, as well as a number of forged medical documents, lists of ‘evaders’ with names and fictitious diagnoses.

In addition, almost $5 million 244 thousand, €300,000, over ₴5 million, branded jewellery, etc. were found at the officials' homes.

Evidence seized from a MSEC official in Khmelnytskyy Region
Photo: Prosecutor General's Office
Evidence seized from a MSEC official in Khmelnytskyy Region
money found in possession of an MSEC official in Khmelnytskyy Region
Photo: Prosecutor General's Office
money found in possession of an MSEC official in Khmelnytskyy Region
Documents were also seized that point to the illegal activities of the officials and their money laundering through various business projects. As a result of the authorised searches, almost USD 6 million in cash alone was found in their possession.

During the investigation, the official tried to get rid of some of the money by throwing two bags with half a million USD through a window.

Law enforcement officers also discovered that the officials' family has considerable wealth. They own 30 properties in Khmelnytskyy, Lviv and Kyiv, 9 luxury cars, corporate rights worth UAH 48 million, and a hotel and restaurant complex of almost 3,000 square metres in a park in Khmelnytskyy. Abroad, they own real estate in Austria, Spain and Turkey. The family has also ‘accumulated’ almost USD 2.3 million in foreign currency accounts.

The defendants did not include all these assets in their annual declarations of persons authorised to perform state functions.

Investigative actions are ongoing, other persons who may be involved in criminal activity are being identified.

The issue of serving the officials a notice of suspicion of fraud on a particularly large scale, legalisation of the proceeds of crime, declaration of false information and illicit enrichment (Part 5 of Art. 190, Part 2 of Art. 209, Part 2 of Art. 366-2, Art. 368-5 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine) is being resolved.

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