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Cars with Ukrainian number plates said barred from entering Crimea

Thirty cars have already been denied passage, border guards say.

Cars with Ukrainian number plates said barred from entering Crimea

Russia-controlled Crimea have introduced new border crossing regulations which bar cars with Ukrainian number plates from entering the peninsula, while those with Crimean number plates cannot enter Ukraine, the State Border Service has said on its official website.

"From now on cars with Ukrainian Crimean number plates registered in Crimea are barred from entering mainland Ukraine. Also, they do not allow Ukrainian nationals registered in Crimea to enter the temporarily occupied area, saying 'they had time to get re-registered'," the statement reads.

Even though the Russia-controlled authorities in Crimea have prolonged the re-registration of cars in Crimea until 10 April, the State Border Service of Ukraine has already registered almost 30 vehicles which were denied passage to Crimea.

The border service recalled that any documents issued by the Russian authorities in Crimea are not valid in Ukraine.

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