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SSU reminded Ukrainian how to counter the enemy: make Molotov cocktails, report on Russian troops, and help the army

Young citizens are urged to complain against anti-Ukrainian channels on YouTube and Telegram.

SSU reminded Ukrainian how to counter the enemy: make Molotov cocktails, report on Russian troops, and help the army

Security Service of Ukraine reminded Ukrainians how to support the defenders and counter enemy attacks. 

The advice on how to help the Ukrainian army is published on the official Telegram page.

 The task for everyone today did not change: 

  • help our defenders with what you can; 

  • Prepare Molotov cocktails and do everything to make enemy movements difficult for them. 

  • Record the movements of the enemy troops and send information via the official chat-bot @stop_russian_war_bot;

  • Don’t believe fake information and share only the information that is confirmed; 

  • Continue informational warfare on the Internet. 

“We also address young boys and girls - you can also help! Submit complaints about anti-Ukrainian channels to YouTube and Telegram. Tell the truth about the war to your Russian peers post photos and videos. Today the enemy is launching its propaganda even on TikTok, and we need to counter them. Everyone’s contribution to our common Victory is extremely important!” urged SSU. 

Everyone who is ready and knows how to hold a weapon can join the territorial defense forces. Information on the addresses of brigades and battalions is on the website: The Head of the Nation Police of Ukraine, Ihor Klymenko ordered the heads of the main departments of National Police in the regions to hand over weapons to the veterans of the internal forces. 

Ukrainian can donate blood for the wounded fighters. 

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that it is essential for everyone to keep working. The Ukrainian bank system has all the necessary resources. Some restrictions have been temporarily installed; in particular, there is a limit on cash withdrawal - 100 000 hryvnas per day. 

The National Bank of Ukraine opened a special account to collect money for the Ukrainian army. You can join in support of defenders, in particular, from abroad. The IBAN of the account is UA843000010000000047330992708. 

Molotov cocktail recipe for the enemy equipment from the Ministry of Internal Affairs can be found by following this link. Chat-bot for reporting on road markings left by the occupiers - here

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