Pope Francis expressed his support for Ukraine and asked the world "not to get used to the war." He added that it concerns the present moment and the nearest future - the coming weeks and months. He made the statement in Ukrainian on his Twitter, showing his support of the Ukrainian people.
Будьмо поруч із цим багатостраждальним народом і обіймімо його конкретними зусиллями та молитвою. Прошу вас, не звикаймо до війни та насильства, не втомлюймося великодушно приймати, не лише тепер, але й наступними тижнями та місяцями. #Україна
— Pope Francis (@Pontifex) March 20, 2022
"Let's stand with these long-suffering people and embrace them with our practical efforts and prayers. I endear you, do not get used to the war and violence, do not weary of welcoming them, now and in the coming weeks and months," wrote the Pope.