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Novorossiysk suffers massive UAV attack: Russian port, oil depot targeted

Locals counted almost three dozen explosions. 

The Russian Black Sea Fleet is also feeling uneasy outside Crimea: explosions were heard last night in Novorossiysk, Krasnodar Territory.

Residents wrote on Telegram that they had been warned about the drills, which were supposed to last until 11 p.m. However, at three in the morning, loud noises began. Eyewitnesses claim that something hit the port, which became a base for the military fleet after the Ukrainian Armed Forces began to destroy Russian ships in the Black Sea.

A fuel oil terminal and a Transneft facility also came under attack. The city is reported to be without electricity. In total, users counted 28 explosions. 

By morning, Novorossiysk was without power. 

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