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Zelenskyy: Before talking to Russia, we need detailed plan agreed by whole world

The allies are not pushing Ukraine to negotiate with Russia, but there is a general mood in the world. Therefore, the Peace Summit is the right platform for discussion, the president said. 

Zelenskyy: Before talking to Russia, we need detailed plan agreed by whole world
President during communication with the media
Photo: OPU

At the Peace Summit to be held in Switzerland in June, Ukraine is seeking a communiqué and guarantees of energy and nuclear security.

This will make it possible to predict the next winter and is generally of common interest, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said during a conversation with journalists. Ukraine also seeks to ensure free navigation.

This will protect people in Odesa and in the south in general, as Russians are attacking ports. 

Ukraine also wants to take a serious step to push for a prisoner exchange. Zelenskyy noted that in the humanitarian aspect, the exchange of prisoners is a double issue, as well as with energy. Energy is nuclear safety - something that everyone supports. 

On the issue of prisoner exchange, Kyiv wants, in particular, to return Ukrainian children. 

The President added that Ukraine's partners are not pushing it to negotiate with Russia, although there is a general mood in the global atmosphere. Therefore, Ukraine needs to be resilient and strong, and the Peace Summit is the right platform for discussion. 

If "a serious number of countries" take part in the event and there is a communiqué, this will be our diplomatic advantage, the president said. After that, we can organise sites in certain countries, where each of the points of the communiqué will be technically worked out. The President said that the plan would then be presented to Russian representatives, just as it was with the grain initiative: the plan was agreed with the UN and Turkey, and they then separately agreed this plan with Russia, the first corridor.

That is why it is important that many countries participate, not just two, so that Russians cannot do what they did with the grain corridor. 

The President stressed that before talking to Russia, there should be a detailed plan agreed upon by the entire world

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