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Zelenskyy is positive about foreign instructors bringing training to Ukraine

This would speed up training. 

Zelenskyy is positive about foreign instructors bringing training to Ukraine
Photo: D. Umbraso/LRT nuotr

The transfer of training by foreign instructors for the Ukrainian military to Ukraine would open a "new page" in the war, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy believes.

Training of Ukrainian troops on Ukrainian territory is logical and faster. Other types of cooperation could also be considered, he said at a meeting with journalists. 

"And then there is cooperation on demining, we can make a hub for the repair of French equipment, for example, right in Ukraine, so that we don't have to send it to France. I look at this very positively, to be honest. All this could be a step that would encourage other countries to do the same. It opens a new page in this war," the president commented. 

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