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Sources in Defence Forces: pace of energy destruction could lead to catastrophe if not restored, protected

The situation in the power system will affect virtually all sectors of the economy and spheres of society.

Sources in Defence Forces: pace of energy destruction could lead to catastrophe if not restored, protected

At the current pace of destruction of Ukraine's energy infrastructure by the Russians, with no protection and no compensation for the lost capacity, the situation could become catastrophic by the start of the heating season, sources in the Defence Forces told 

The situation in the energy system will affect almost all sectors of the economy and spheres of society. In the worst-case scenario, this could become an additional powerful factor in forcing Ukraine to negotiate on the aggressor's terms, the Defence Forces believe.

They stressed that business entities need to make the most of the time before the onset of autumn to address the issues of functioning in the absence of energy supply or massive power outages.

  • According to official reports, Ukraine lost 9 GW of electricity generation. In 2022, when Russia had just started massive strikes, 3 GW was lost, but even this led to emergency and stabilisation outages during the cold season. According to the Ukrainian prime minister, Ukraine has already lost half of its generation capacity, and only 27% of its thermal power plants are operating. 
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