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EU Commission establishes audit board to monitor use of €50bn by Ukraine

This body was obliged to visit Ukraine at least six times a year for inspections.

EU Commission establishes audit board to monitor use of €50bn by Ukraine
EU Commission

The European Commission has ordered the establishment of an audit board to improve the efficiency of managing funds allocated to Ukraine and to control their use.

The decision was published on the EU website.

The auditors will also prevent fraud, corruption and identify conflicts of interest in the use of aid.

This audit commission will operate until 30 April 2028. It will be based in Brussels and will consist of three people with audit experience. In addition, the board's secretariat will be based in Kyiv. The auditors will be required to visit Ukraine at least six times a year to fulfil their duties.

Also, at least six meetings of the Audit Council will be held annually in Brussels to discuss the results of the audits. The chairman of the board may convene additional meetings if necessary.

Observers from the countries that contribute to the fund to support Ukraine may also participate in the work of the board. 

Among the tasks of the audit board are:

  • to continuously monitor the management systems and control Ukraine's use of EU funding under the Fund and to signal any systemic problems or potential weaknesses in these systems;
  • has the right to request information and contact the competent authorities and to carry out its own audits of procedures and expenditure at any time. The final reports should, as appropriate, include recommendations for Ukraine to improve its management and control system;
  • report at a frequency of at least one report every 3 months. These reports should provide an opinion on the effectiveness of Ukraine's system of management and control of funds. Information received or learned by the auditors about any identified cases of aid mismanagement should be immediately transmitted to the European Commission.
  • make recommendations to Ukraine in all cases where the executive bodies have failed to take the necessary measures to prevent, detect, correct, investigate and prosecute fraud, corruption, conflict of interest and irregularities that affect or seriously risk affecting the sound financial management of funds.

Request Ukraine's assistance in obtaining information and documents, including any electronic data, and request Kyiv to take all necessary measures to facilitate the work of those entrusted with the audits.

The Ukraine Facility is a programme of financial support for the reconstruction and modernisation of Ukraine from the European Union in 2024-2027. The EU has earmarked €50 billion for this programme.

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