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SBU behind night attacks on oil depots in Adygea, Tambov Region

The fuel and lubricant warehouses were damaged.

SBU behind night attacks on oil depots in Adygea, Tambov Region
The aftermath of the attack
Photo: screenshot

The nighttime attacks on enemy oil depots in the Republic of Adygea and Tambov Region were carried out by the Security Service of Ukraine. This was reported by sources in the Defence Forces. 

According to our sources, last night, SBU special forces hit the fuel and lubricants warehouse of Tambovnefteprodukt JSC and the Enemskaya oil depot of LUKOIL-Yugnefteprodukt LLC. These facilities were used to process and store raw materials and finished products, which were subsequently used by the occupying army. 

A series of UAV hits led to fires at both facilities. 

"The SBU's strikes on enterprises operating in the Russian military-industrial complex reduce the resources the enemy can use to wage war and force the aggressor country to spend money on infrastructure restoration. This is an additional burden on the Russian budget, which is already burdened by sanctions and other economic challenges. The Service will continue to work in this direction," the source said. 

In total, SBU drones have already carried out nearly 30 successful attacks on Russian oil facilities in various regions.

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