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Police identify those involved in attack on ex-serviceman in Dnipro

One of the suspects was detained.

Police identify those involved in attack on ex-serviceman in Dnipro
Photo: National Police

Police have identified the persons involved in the torture and illegal detention of ex-soldier Dmytro Pavlov (Son) in Dnipro. One of the suspects has been detained. MP Mykola Tyshchenko is also involved in the case.

This was reported by the National Police.

According to the investigation, on 20 June, on Dmytro Yavornytskyy Avenue in the centre of Dnipro, a group of men wearing balaclavas and camouflage without insignia inflicted bodily harm on the victim and handcuffed him.

Law enforcement officers questioned the victim and witnesses and identified several people who may be involved in the offence. One of the active participants was detained in Dnipropetrovs'k Region.

The police seized material evidence, including weapons and clothing, at the suspects' places of residence.

The police, under the procedural supervision of the Dnipro Regional Prosecutor's Office, opened two criminal proceedings over the conflict - for illegal deprivation of liberty and torture.

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