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DIU: 53rd prisoner exchange is not over yet, operation is ongoing

"We do expect to provide additional information soon.”

DIU: 53rd prisoner exchange is not over yet, operation is ongoing
Representative of the press service of DIU of MoD Andriy Yusov
Photo: Coordination HQ for the Treatment of POWs

A representative of the Defence Ministry's Main Intelligence Directorate, Andriy Yusov, said that the 53rd prisoner exchange has not yet been completed, and the operation is ongoing.

He said this during a telethon, Interfax-Ukraine reports.

"Yes, this is really great news, but this is not the 53rd exchange, as it has not yet been completed. The operation is ongoing. As part of this operation, 90 of our defenders have already been returned. But this is not the latest news, and we do expect to provide additional information in the near future. The work is ongoing," Yusov said.

He stressed that there has been no easy exchange of prisoners, as Russia disregards international humanitarian law.

"Every exchange is difficult, the struggle for the return of our defenders and civilians is difficult," the speaker added.

  • On 25 June, in the evening, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced another prisoner exchange with Russia facilitated by the UAE, as a result of which 90 more Ukrainians returned home.
  • According to the Ukrainian Coordination HQ for the Treatment of POWs, 32 National Guardsmen, 18 border guards, 17 representatives of the Navy, 15 members of the Armed Forces and 8 members of Territorial defence have returned.
  • In particular, 59 defenders of Mariupol were returned, including 52 fighters who had left Azovstal. Five National Guardsmen who guarded the Chernobyl nuclear power plant were also released from captivity. 
  • Earlier it was reported that Metropolitan Ionafan of the UOC-MP, who refused to be exchanged, was exchanged for Ukrainian prisoners of war. On Saturday morning, he was taken to the border with Belarus, where he was handed over to Russian representatives.
  • At the end of May, 75 people were returned from Russian captivity. These were soldiers of the Armed Forces and the National Guard, border guards and civilians. 
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