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Pechersk District Court chooses preventive measure for Mykola Tyshchenko: video

The MP refused to say why he broke his phone during the search.

Pechersk District Court chooses preventive measure for Mykola Tyshchenko: video
During the court hearing
Photo: video screenshot

The Pechersk District Court begins to impose a pre-trial restraint on MP Mykola Tyshchenko, suspected of illegal detention.

Tyshchenko has already arrived at the court. Suspilne TV channel is broadcasting the event. 

Journalists asked him several times why he had broken his phone during the search, but he did not answer. 

Instead of the incident in Dnipro, Tyshchenko was talking out loud about the previous government, tree felling, bot farms, and the war.

Tyshchenko also said that all his movements were coordinated with the "leadership".

Chronological order of events

After 16:00, the judge appeared in the courtroom. However, a break was announced almost immediately.

16:39. After the break, Tyshchenko asked to close the trial to journalists. The prosecution, on the contrary, asked to leave the press in the courtroom. 

The prosecution began to read out its case: the victim could not understand why he had been illegally detained. 

"In addition to instructions and intimidation, Tyshchenko's associates physically assaulted him. They beat him and strangled his neck with their hands," the prosecution said.

Tyshchenko himself and his associates did not help the victim.

The prosecution requested round-the-clock arrest because of the risks: Tyshchenko could evade the pre-trial investigation authorities, could obtain permission to travel abroad, could destroy or distort documents of significant importance to the investigation. The investigator also said that Tyshchenko had broken two phones during the notification of suspicion - he smashed them. 

He added that the prosecution could not ask for a harsher measure than round-the-clock house arrest, as the article under which he was charged was not serious. 

After 17:20, Tyshchenko's lawyer took the floor. He objected to the prosecution's motion. The lawyer said that the ex-soldier had snatched the phone from the hands of a girl - Tyshchenko said that it was his assistant.

After 17:25, the court session was interrupted by an air raid alarm. 

When the alarm went off, Tyshchenko and his lawyers returned to the courtroom. A few minutes later, the judge returned to the courtroom, and Tyshchenko's lawyer returned to his speech. The lawyer called the suspicion unfounded and asked the court to dismiss the request for a preventive measure.

After the second lawyer's speech, who said that Tyshchenko's absence paralysed the work of the parliamentary committee, the MP himself took the floor. He said that he had done nothing that would make him "disgusted" and that he had come to parliament to implement Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s idea.

"I left my success, I left what I had achieved, I came together with my team to make my dreams come true," the MP said, adding that a parliamentarian is not just a green button, but a personality and individuality.

In fact, the MP said that on the day of the incident, when "procedural actions were underway", three men came to meet him. One of them said: "Listen, you, the chairman". The men started filming the MP with his assistant. After that, "a policeman came out of the address", and Tyshchenko asked him to "stop the attack on the MP". One of the men showed Tyshchenko a PH document (Participant in hostilities), other showed him another document, and the third showed him nothing. One of the men snatched the phone from Tyshchenko's assistant, and the MP thought that the man wanted to run away. According to Tyshchenko, they held the man until the police arrived.

After a lengthy speech by Tyshchenko, which was largely unrelated to the case, the prosecution took the floor again. She countered the comments made by Tyshchenko and his defence team regarding the procedural actions. After the prosecutor's speech, Tyshchenko's lawyer took the floor again.

At around 19:50, the judge left to make a decision. The judge returned at around 20:40 and announced the decision to grant the motion. Tyshchenko was obliged not to leave the house, except for medical assistance, to wear a bracelet, and to hand over his passport.

The case of Mykola Tyshchenko

On the afternoon of 20 June, a group of people attacked Dmytro Pavlov, a former member of the Kraken military unit, in Dnipro. Unidentified men wearing balaclavas and camouflage attacked him, tried to handcuff him and started beating him. According to information from social media, the attackers may have been Mykola Tyshchenko's bodyguards. 

Subsequently, two criminal proceedings were opened over the attack in Dnipro on the former Kraken military unit of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine.

Tyshchenko himself accused the ex-soldier of involvement in the so-called call centres.

A Kyiv police officer who was involved in an incident in Dnipro with the alleged bodyguards of MP Mykola Tyshchenko has been fired. The head of the Prosecutor General's Office, Andriy Yermak, commented on the video of the conflict between his godfather, MP Tyshchenko, and the military. He said that Tyshchenko's behaviour was incompatible with the status of an MP.

On 25 June, Tyshchenko was served a notice of suspicion under Part 2 of Article 146 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The sanction provides for up to five years of restriction of liberty or imprisonment. 

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