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Ternopil Region: Russian informant sentenced to 15 years in prison for high treason

From August 2022 to January 2023, a resident of Ternopil Region sent intelligence information to a Russian special service officer via messenger. 

A man, a resident of the village of Staryy Tarazh, Kremenets district, who leaked information about power substations in Ternopil and Khmelnytskyy Regions to Russians to launch missile strikes against them, was sentenced to 15 years in prison with confiscation of property for treason. This was reported by the Prosecutor General's Office. 

The prosecutor proved in court that in August 2022, the convict met an FSB officer on the Internet who offered to obtain and transmit intelligence information about critical infrastructure facilities, locations of law enforcement officers and the Armed Forces.

Between August 2022 and January 2023, a resident of Ternopil Region used a messenger to send information to a Russian special service officer about the location and characteristics of power substations in Ternopil and Khmelnytskyy Regions, with the aim of launching missile strikes against them by the Russian armed forces. 

The convict's involvement in the dissemination of materials on the Internet denying Russia's armed aggression against Ukraine and praising its military was also proved. Using a profile in one of the social networks, the man actively expressed support for the actions of the DPR militants and mercenaries of the Wagner PMC, and justified the war crimes of Russians. 

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